Home » FoodWIse Sheboygan County
FoodWIse Sheboygan County

Who We Are

Amanda Miller
FoodWIse Coordinator
Health & Well-Being Educator

Janeth Orozco
FoodWIse Educator
What We Do
FoodWIse employs a combination of evidence-based strategies designed to promote changes for individuals, communities and environments to help make the healthy choice the easy choice.

Teach parents how to plan and prepare healthy meals.
Tasty Tuesdays
Family Nutrition Resources
Food Safety
Safe & Healthy Food for Your Family (Preserving at Home & Food Safety Blog)
Safe Home Food Storage (Texas Agricultural Extension Service)

Fight BAC! Click to learn more about the consumer food safety campaign based on four core practices: clean, separate, cook, and chill.

National Center for Home Food Preservation Click to learn more from the national experts on home food preservation and food safety.

USDA Food Recalls Click to access the latest information on all food recalls and alerts from the USDA.

Wisconsin Safe Food Preservation Series Click to access bulletins that feature up-to-date information, research tested recipes, and tips to make food preservation safer and easier.

Empower families with limited financial resources to choose healthful diets and become more food secure by spending food dollars wisely.
Local Food Resources

Support communities in making the healthy choice, the easy choice where people live, learn, work and play.
Our programs
- Our statewide campaign for schools provides promotion, education and media resources to encourage kids and families to eat more fruits and vegetables.
- Our guided tour curriculum is designed to help familiarize Wisconsin residents with their local farmers’ market.
- Implement the four steps in our toolkit to improve the quality and safety of food offered by your food pantry.
- Learn how community members with limited incomes can work with FoodWIse and Master Gardener Volunteers to grow their food and promote healthy food access and availability through garden spaces.
Who We Serve
- FoodWIse is federally funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and serves Wisconsin residents with limited incomes.
- Our program focuses on providing free resources and education for:
- Anyone who is eligible for SNAP (FoodShare, Quest Card), WIC, Wisconsin Works (W2), Social Security & Social Security Disability, or Free & Reduced Lunches.
- Organizations and schools where at least 50% of their enrollment/population are eligible for the programs listed above.
- We serve parents and caregivers of young children, school-age youth, adults without children, older adults, and more.
- If you think your organization might be income-eligible and are interested in a partnership, please contact our FoodWIse staff.
Why We Do It
- FoodWIse advances healthy eating habits, active lifestyles and healthy community environments for families with limited incomes through nutrition education at the individual, community and systems levels.
- Did you know?
- On a given day, 30-40% of children & adolescents eat fast food
- Only 19% of Americans get the recommended amount of daily activity
- 21% of annual medical spending is on obesity-related illnesses
- Obesity can cause other health problems:
- cardiovascular disease
- type 2 diabetes
- high blood pressure
- sleep apnea
- depression
- Link to impact reports