“Taking Care of You”

In response to COVID -19 and staff under increased stress, Jane collaborated with the Human Development & Relationships Educator in Washington County to facilitate the eight-part “Taking Care of You” series virtually in October/November 2020. One series targeted Health & Human Services (HHS) staff and the other targeted Area 15  Extension Staff.  Participants learned about the impact of stress on themselves, their families & the partners they work with; and how to respond & incorporate strategies of self-care to build resiliency for better health.

The series will be offered again in the future in order to reach other community residents with the importance of the mind/body connection for better health.

A participant shared, “I learned to reframe difficult experiences.  Great job!  I’ve been using the tools since you’ve taught them.  Really helpful lately whenever I am feeling cooped up and frustrated.”  The  HHS Department Head said “Thanks for thinking of the HHS workers operating in this challenging time. We certainly try to focus on self-care.”


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