Making an Impact: Community Development June 2021

Kevin Stuck, Community Development Educator

  • Co-hosted an educational Zoom session for 21 Town of Holland households that had participated in a well water testing program coordinated by the Sheboygan County Extension Office in partnership with the Center for Watershed Science and Education at UW-Stevens Point. Participants learned the basics about groundwater, well construction, potential contaminants, and remediation options, which will help them be better equipped to protect their water quality.
  • Attended a Town of Herman Plan Commission meeting to explain the statutory comprehensive
    plan amendment process and to facilitate a review of the evidence for/against an amendment
    to create consistency between the Town’s Future Land Use Map and a proposed expansion of
    Lakeland University. This will help the Commission to hold a proper public hearing and to make an
    informed recommendation to the Town Board regarding the amendment of the Map.
  • Created and shared with Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission the land use mapping updates
    for the Towns of Mosel and Sheboygan completed as part of their comprehensive plan updates.
    This mapping, which had not been updated since 2002, will substantially assist Bay-Lake staff in its
    update of land use mapping for the Sheboygan Metropolitan Planning Organization this summer.
    The Sheboygan MPO is responsible for transportation planning in the metro area.
  • Did research and provided a fact sheet and zoning language examples to Town of Mosel Deputy Clerk regarding the legalities of imposing a moratorium and eventually regulating temporary storage structures (e.g., shipping containers). This information will help the Town in exploring options to address potential aesthetic concerns, as well as safety concerns if someone is illegally living in such a structure.
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