Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Jane Jensen, Human Development and Relationships Educator

In response to COVID 19 and family caregivers in social isolation the Human Development
& Relationships Educator collaborated with the ADRC and Sharon Richardson Community
Hospice to co-facilitate the six-part evidence-based Powerful Tools for Caregivers virtually
in August and September. Evaluations found that all participants who had been in their
caregiving roles from 6 months to 5 years increased skills from the series. They said they had
more confidence in their caregiving ability and were more able to ask others for help. All would recommend the series to others.

They described increased abilities in self-care & stress reduction, locating resources, making
difficult caregiving decisions, taking care of personal health, and dealing with difficult emotions.

All would use a minimum of 7 of the tools learned during the series.
This is the only Sheboygan County series that is offered in the evening in order to meet the
needs of employed family caregivers. Two of the family caregivers indicated they would not
have been able to attend a daytime program. They also agreed that unpaid family caregiving
had made their employment more difficult and that they had to take time off without pay which could ultimately affect their retirement. One participant said, “Thanks for making this possible in the evening and virtually. It has made a big difference for me in order to continue in my family caregiving role.” A long-distance family caregiver from New Mexico was able to join as well.

Support Extension