Making an Impact April 2022 Human Development and Relationships

  • A monthly program for family caregivers where participants develop sustainable self-care behaviors in order to maintain their personal physical and emotional well-being through practicing self-care techniques and accessing local resources.
  • A series of e-mail communications for community partners where they learn about parenting, relationships, family caregiving, finances and well-being so that they can share the latest resources with their clients. The purpose of this effort is to improve parenting skills, support their family caregiving role and improve their financial skills and their personal well-being.
  • Virtual sessions for older adults, where participants learned about compassion, ageism, retirement, health, advance directives and gardening. The goal of the series was to build individual resiliency, spark joy, increase satisfaction in life and provide an opportunity for social connection.

“Good Morning Jane,
Just a quick note of thanks for the additional copies of the ‘planning ahead’ workbooks. I shared the copy that Cindy gave to me with my wife Kris, and she is actively using it as she strives to facilitate more discussion, planning and preparations with her parents.
The workbook is well done, and no doubt will help a lot of people! This may be a valuable topic and opportunity to work with our HR Department and present this learning opportunity for our employees?
My compliments –
Sheboygan County Administrator”
Sheboygan County Administrator sends compliments for Development of Planning AHEAD (Advance directives, Handling financial changes, Estate Planning, and Arriving at Decisions for the end of this life) Workbook

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