Community Development Impact August 2022

To obtain input regarding municipal issues, the City of Sheboygan Falls partnered with Kevin to create an online opinion survey that was made available to 4,208 residents, landowners, and business owners. (Paper copies were available for those who preferred that option.) Together, online and paper surveys totaled 403 — a response rate of 10% and a confidence interval of +/- 4.6%.

Questions 1 through 3 were “big picture” questions focusing on quality of life and future City growth. Small community atmosphere was by far the top reason cited for why respondents lived in Sheboygan Falls.

Questions 4 and 5 asked about housing. The two most serious issues in Sheboygan Falls according to respondents are shortages of single-family starter homes and affordable middle-income housing. Questions 6 and 7 dealt with transportation. The condition of City streets was the top concern cited by respondents.

Question 8 sought to determine the level of satisfaction with 13 services provided by the City. Street maintenance had the highest “dissatisfied” percentage of any of the services. Otherwise, levels of dissatisfaction were low, with 10 of the 13 services having “Dissatisfied” + “Very Dissatisfied” percentages of less than 10%.

Question 9 touched on recreational facilities/activities. The option of no new recreational facilities/activities was selected by 15%, down from 29% in 2009. Questions 10-14 asked for feedback on the downtown, parking, and ordinance enforcement.

Kevin will present the complete findings in his 57-page report to the City in August.

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