Human Development and Relationships September Impact

Along with the other co-authors & project leads for the Planning AHEAD curriculum and workbook, Jane prerecorded all seven module presentations and met every other week virtually with a group of eight Hmong Nursing students and their program director from UW-Madison. The intent was to gather feedback in order to make the series on end-of-life planning more culturally relevant for Hmong audiences. The long term objective is increased end-of-life planning and fewer crises for families of individuals from the Hmong community at the end-of-life.

Over several months, Jane and the other curriculum authors met virtually with the students after they viewed the prerecorded modules and responded to several questions. Those questions were: What content is important to highlight and present? What content should be changed or taken out? What questions do you have about the module? The students translated relevant pieces and shared them with Hmong Community members for further feedback.

The team is conducting data jams with the state evaluation specialist to organize/code the feedback in order to revise the materials for the Hmong Community. An immediate outcome of this work is the submission of a large Baldwin grant. The objectives for the grant include the creation of a video series to integrate into the Planning AHEAD curriculum (general & Hmong) based on feedback during the pilot phase & the Hmong project to meet the needs of adult learners; package & create a facilitator manual & develop a training workshop with a process for requested trainings.

Support Extension