Community Youth Development Impact 2023

Youth Government Day is a joint effort with American Legion Volunteers, Sheboygan County, and Extension. Including youth voice in civic processes and providing opportunity structures with diverse representation has multiple potential positive youth development benefits, such as increased civic engagement and mentoring. All 21 participating students reported a greater understanding of County government as a result of this program. Eighteen reported an increased ability to engage in civic decision making. All 21 stated “more likely to vote in local elections when they were of age”. Twenty youth reported that they had had opportunities to share input with County staff; all reported one or more things they learned about County government that directly impacted their lives. Six youth asked for a twice-annual event. Teachers reported that their students were excited about the event afterwards and said they’d be back. Students were from South and Plymouth High schools and included members of social action groups We Rise (diverse student concerns), Peers4Peers substance abuse awareness, Gay Straight Student Alliance, and Model UN.

Participating students experienced a high degree of quality adult interaction (1:1 student-adult ratio) as well as opportunities to provide input, engage in experiential learning, and to experience representation and a sense of belonging. At a time when youth report anxiety and a sense of helplessness regarding social, environmental, and health issues impacting their lives, this event provided a sense of agency and representation through connection to civic structure. Creating ongoing opportunities for youth to participate in governance is the next step.

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