FoodWIse Impact July 2023

  • Shared findings from two focus groups with Hmong community members and local community agencies that serve Hmong community members in Sheboygan County. These focus groups provided valuable information and lived experiences related to healthy eating, access to healthy foods, food security/hunger, culturally relevant foods, and physical activity. Findings will be used to inform future programming opportunities.
  • Providing resources and support for the Hmong Mutual Assistance Association to develop a community meal site at their organization. The purpose of this meal site will be to address food and nutrition inequities among the Hmong population in Sheboygan County.
  • Providing technical assistance for the state FoodWIse office to develop a plan and apply for a federal nutrition incentive program. The goal is to offer nutrition incentive programs at farmers markets across Wisconsin and to support local farmers markets, which helps bring fresh fruits and vegetables to families in need.
Support Extension