Community Development Impact March 2024

  • A proposed high voltage transmission line through part of a local town has residents along the corridor understandably concerned. Town officials asked Kevin for help in understanding their role and the authority of the town’s zoning ordinance (no conditions, unless agreed to by the developer!) so they can properly respond to their residents and guide them toward options that might influence the final route of the transmission line, such as submitting an alternate route to Wisconsin’s Public Service Commission. Kevin also used GIS to quickly provide a mailing list of landowners along the proposed transmission line routes, which will aid those with concerns as they try to organize their neighbors into a unified group.
  • Three towns in Sheboygan County recently asked Kevin for assistance in determining what steps needed to be taken to continue their farmland preservation zoning certification with DATCP. Their soon-to-expire certification, which comes up for renewal every 10 years, enables eligible landowners to obtain an annual tax credit for preserving farmland, protecting soil and water resources, and minimizing land use conflicts. Kevin used an artificial intelligence GPT he created to “read” old and new versions of one of the town’s zoning ordinances to determine which parts of the ordinance had been revised since it was last certified; he needed this information to complete the DATCP application. He also used GIS to create the necessary zoning maps and convert them into the Wisconsin Transverse Mercator projection that DATCP requires.
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