Community Development Impact April 2024

  • Kevin was invited to plan commission meetings in two towns to discuss zoning options for two landowners who each had development proposals for land uses that were not clearly addressed in the zoning ordinance regulations. In both cases, innovative solutions were worked out that will allow the landowners to optimize the use of their property without violating any ordinance or negatively impacting neighbors.
  • Artificial intelligence has made a lot of headlines recently. Kevin decided to determine how accurately a custom-made artificial intelligence program would respond to questions about zoning regulations in a local town. He created a “Zoning Ordinance Assistant” using OpenAI’s GPT Builder and tested it using a variety of zoning questions, refining the program as needed to continue improving its accuracy. A program like this added to a town website could eventually help users such as landowners and real estate professionals obtain answers to most zoning-related questions in a user-friendly manner without having to interrupt local officials with phone calls and emails.
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