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Shooting Sports

Welcome to 4-H Shooting Sports
This project introduces youth participants to the shooting disciplines of Archery and Air Rifle. Our state certified leaders and volunteers strive to provide a positive experience for our participants and their families with safety as a priority. In addition to learning shooting skills and safety, our members also learn about wildlife, ecology, and conservation through the Wildlife Ecology program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate?
Youth enrolled in Sheboygan County 4-H and enrolled in each shooting sports discipline they wish to participate in through 4-H Online can participate.
Do I need to buy equipment and supplies
No. All equipment, including compound and recurve bows, arrows, air rifles, and pellets are provided by the project. We also have a supply of arm and finger guards for archery participants and safety glasses for air rifle participants. Families do not need to purchase anything special for their youth to participate!
Is there a cost to participate?
There is a registration fee, per enrolled discipline, to help cover the cost of equipment and supplies.
What is required to participate?
Enrolled members are required to complete a Waiver and Code of Conduct form for each discipline for which they are enrolled. Both forms must be signed by the guardian and the 4-H member.
State guidelines do not require that you provide medical information. If you feel there is any medical information that would help us to ensure your youth member has a positive learning experience, please let us know. Disclosure of medical information is voluntary. All information disclosed will remain confidential.
When and where do you shoot?
Our program offers a weekly shooting schedule during the spring and early summer. Typically, the program runs for six (6) weeks with sessions three times per week beginning in April or May. You are welcome to participate in as many sessions as you wish. All shooting takes place at the Sheboygan County Fairgrounds in Plymouth, WI.
How can parents and guardians get involved with the project?
We are always in need of more state certified adult leaders to support the future of the shooting sports program. Training opportunities are held throughout Wisconsin.
The current list of workshops can be found at: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/projects/shooting-sports/leader-certification-training-workshops/.
If you have an interest in becoming certified, please email us at sheboygan4harchery@gmail.com.
If you are not interested in becoming state certified but are willing to help out during the shooting season, there are always things to do. We could use help with Wildlife Ecology, helping youth at the sign-in tables, assisting with fair scoring, and more. If you can help, even if just for a little while, please stop by one of the sign-in tables.
Are there competitive shooting opportunities?
There are several shooting tournaments scheduled throughout the state, hosted by other counties. You can find information at: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/wi4hshootingsports/competitive-shoots-3/.
Shooting Sports Resources
2024 Weekly Shooting Sign-ups
- Archery Sign-up (coming soon)
- Air Rifle Sign-up (coming soon)