How to Join 4-H

The process for joining 4-H in Sheboygan County is quite simple. If you have any questions or concerns please call our office at 920-459-5903.

  1. Select a 4-H club to join! Take a look at the 4-H Club Meeting & Locations – 2022-2023
  2. Call the club’s contact person and find out a little more about the club and its members. Most 4-H members join in the fall, but new members can be accepted at any time! To learn more about what to ask a 4-H Club Leader Check out the Video at:
  3. Check out the projects available in Sheboygan County 4-H. Our 2024-2025 Enrollment Guide will help you select your projects, get ready to discover and learn through 4-H! Additional project information is also available on our Project Page! To find out more about what to ask 4-H Project Leaders check out the video at:
  4. Enroll Online!

4-H Enrollment is now online!

The 4HOnline ( enrollment site is active and we are asking that enrollment is completed as soon as possible. The project enrollment deadline for all animal projects, blacksmithing and shooting sports is March 1st. All other project enrollment closes May 1st.

In order to enroll a 4-H member, a parent or guardian must register the member on 4HOnline. Members are required to select a club.

Sheboygan County 4-H 4hOnline Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions

Is there ANY WAY I can enroll on paper? We have decided at this time to limit enrollment to the 4honline system. There are numerous ways for us to be able to work with you to enter your information into the system. Some of these options include:

  • Utilizing a “club buddy” to assist you or your leaders with enrollment.
  • Check if your club has an enrollment manager for your club to assist families.
  • Requesting staff to attend a club meeting (with hotspot) to assist families with enrollment.
  • Scheduling an appointment with 4-H staff to get access and assistance.

Do I have to have an e-mail in order to enroll with 4honline?  Your family must have an e-mail in order to enroll. You can obtain an e-mail for free at google, yahoo, Hotmail etc. If you do not want to obtain a functional e-mail address you may enter, but please understand that some correspondence may not reach you timely or efficiently without a functional address.

I volunteered to be the club enrollment manager. How do I ensure I am enrolled as club manager?  Once you enroll staff will assign you as club manager. Be sure to check the box indicating that you are a volunteer. This will provide you with access to all enrollment information for the club. As club manager, you will confirm enrollment for each leader and member in your club.

I am/want to be a project leader how do I enroll for this project? Enrolling as a leader in a project at the club or county level is the same as a member enrolling in that project. The only difference is when you select a project you will select the project with the letters LDR behind the project name. Do not select a leader type. Your status as a certified volunteer leader will not be approved until you have gone through the required Volunteer Leader Training.

Can adults sign up without going through training? It appeared to me that they just need to enter their personal information. I can’t see where it’s verified that they are certified. Am I missing something?  Leaders can enter their information into the system, but the county is in control of approving their enrollment after screening is completed just like before. The adult leader enrollment will be in a pending status until someone in the county approves it.

I am a parent in our club and I lead the Club Trip activity how do I enroll for this? Parents should enroll with their families. If you are a leader in your club you should select a leader-activity leader.

I entered the wrong birth date or number of years in 4H. It will not let me fix it. How do I get this changed?  Please e-mail the office, and we will submit this to the state for changes. Until a member or leader is either denied or approved, changes will not be accessible.

How long will members be able to access and change project information?  Families will be able to access project information until March 1st. After this date, please contact our office at 920-459-5903 at the UW-Extension to add or drop projects. Only animal/shooting sports/blacksmithing projects enrolled in as of March 1st and all other projects entered as of May 1st will be eligible to be shown at the fair for the upcoming year.

Is my information secure? Yes, 4honline uses a secure site that encrypts all data entered.

Do you need all of my child’s health information upon enrollment? While it is not necessary to enter all of this information for enrollment in the 4-H Program, it will be required for camp, trips, and other programs throughout the year. You can complete it at enrollment time or will be prompted to complete it at another time for these events.

General Leader Questions

Can I e-mail directly from 4honline? Unfortunately, at this time, the system will not allow this feature for leaders or club managers, but you will be able to access the latest contact information for your projects and clubs and copy and paste that info into your own e-mail system.

Will 4honline e-mail me when new contacts are added or member information is changed?
No, you will have to log on and confirm members regularly. In addition, please remind members to let you know if they have entered any changes for your records. Best practices recommend using this system as a living document, rather than printing list(s) at the beginning of the year that you expect to use throughout the year.

Can I change member information if I see it is incorrect? Yes, you are able to change some limited information, however, it might be best practice to send the enrollment back to the user so they are aware of any changes that need to be made?

Someone enrolled in my club and I have no idea who they are. Although rare, you may find that a new member has enrolled in your club without previous contact. Please use the contact information provided to touch base and ensure that they are welcomed and understand the club’s process.

I do not see an option for selecting my role as a General Leader. All leaders should look for the options under leader-organizational/club leader.

Rev. April 5, 2021

Contact 4-H Youth Development for more information.
Phone: (920) 459-5903

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