Dairy Impact November 2023

  • An in-person dairy management program for online-schooled youth and parents, where participants learned about calving and dairy calf management, biosecurity and health best management practices, dairy nutrition, and milk production. This effort is designed to engage individuals about the food produced in our state, bringing awareness to non-farm families regarding business viability, environmental sustainability, and food safety.
  • A dairy production and management newsletter in collaboration with Eastern Wisconsin Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative for farmers, managers, employees, and agribusiness professionals, where subscribers learned about herbicide resistance screening, phosphorus stratification in soil health systems, corn-alfalfa interseeding, pre-weaned calf transportation, impact of copper sulfate footbaths on manure, soil and forage copper concentrations, and hypocalcemia best management practices. This effort was designed to provide a timely and reliable source of dairy management news and updates to help farms improve farm business viability, environmental sustainability, and food safety.
  • A Midwest Farm Weekly television interview for WRFV Channel 5 audience where individuals learned best management practices for calves to mitigate cold stress, thus improving productivity and animal health to improve farm business viability and food safety through animal welfare and wellbeing.
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