Virtual education has opened an opportunity for collaboration across counties. Janeth was invited to participate in a project with the Portage/Wood County FoodWIse team. This project includes making 5 short videos as part of a 5-week program with Fit Families from Portage/Wood Counties WIC Program. Virtual education was provided via a private Facebook group including an initial video with a lesson overview, a variety of materials throughout the week, and group discussion at the end of each week. Topics for this program include making healthy, low-cost meals, an overview of MyPlate, how to use unit pricing, and ideas on how to lower sugar intake. Janeth was invited to make the Spanish version of the videos, so Spanish speaking families could benefit from the information provided. The information presented was adapted to make it more appealing to the Latinx community. The videos from this project will be closed captioned and available to use in future programming.