Making an Impact: FoodWIse June 2021

Amanda Miller, FoodWIse Coordinator

  • A series of fruit and vegetable publications for farmers market customers. These publications
    promote buying fresh produce and help customers better understand how to select, prepare, and
    store specific produce items.
  • A series of meetings with local public health departments where they received feedback from
    Extension regarding the Community Health Improvement Plan. This effort was designed to
    improve community adoption of health and nutrition practices.
  • A series of newsletters for older adults to learn about health and nutrition during COVID.
  • Distribution of e-newsletter for Sheboygan County residents to learn about food preservation
    and food safety. The goal is to help home canners use current food safety practices and to
    decrease the incidence of foodborne illnesses.
  • Shared COVID-related resources to local public health and hospitals. This effort was intended to
    help share current information on the COVID vaccination.
  • Virtual classes offered for parents to learn about feeding young children. The purpose of this
    class is to help WIC participants better understand how to use their additional WIC farmers
    market benefits.
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