Sheboygan County Master Gardener Volunteers

Mike Ballweg, Agriculture Agent

During 2019, 74 Master Gardener Volunteers (MGVs) reported 3,420 hours of volunteer service for an estimated value of $82,074. They also reported 1,067 hours of continuing education and reached an estimated 6,213 individuals with various outreach projects.

Being a Master Gardener is about becoming a volunteer with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension to help educate the public about horticulture, gardening and natural resources. Master Gardener Volunteers work in tandem with Extension staff to deliver meaningful community programs to improve the well-being of individuals and communities. There are currently 76 MGVs in the Sheboygan County Master Gardener Association.


  • Extension MGVs continue to care for and expand the landscape diversity at the UWGB-Sheboygan
    Campus. The wide selection of horticultural plants serves as a learning place for both MGVs and
    visitors to the campus. Many of the annual flowers planted on campus are started in the campus
    greenhouse by MGVs.
  • Sheboygan County MGVs utilized their horticultural expertise to enrich the Kohler Andrea State
    Park experience for park visitors. MGVs engagements over the years have included: transforming
    a poorly drained wet area into an educational rain garden, rearing and releasing purple loosestrife
    eating beetles (Gateruella sp.) within the park reducing invasive purple loosestrife, helped control
    other invasive plant species within the park, and assisted with landscape maintenance at the park’s
    visitor center.
  • MGVs developed and maintain the Sensory Garden, designed to be enjoyed by people of all abilities is wheelchair accessible. The garden overlooks Rotary Riverview Park on Pennsylvania Avenue.
  • Where else will you find MGVs in Sheboygan County – Old Plank Road Trailheads, Marsh Park
    Tower, Above and Beyond Children’s Museum Garden, Bookworm Gardens, Generations –
    Plymouth, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Camp Y-Koda, Meals on Wheels Vegetable Garden,
    October 11th Memorial and Dutch Settlement Historical Marker, Plymouth Arts Center, Senior
    Activity Center of Sheboygan, Sheboygan County Fair, Sheboygan South High School, Wade House
    and Yankee Garden-Sheboygan Falls.
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