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- A series of classes on Discover MyPlate for each kindergarten classroom at 7 different elementary schools in Sheboygan County in English and Spanish. Discover MyPlate introduces the 5 food groups in an age-appropriate manner and recipe samples. The goal of these classes is to encourage youth to try healthy new foods.
- Leadership and planning in partnership with Master Gardener volunteers to plan the 2022 Junior Master Gardener Program (JMG). JMG is a summer-long youth gardening and nutrition program that promotes seed to plate and increased fruit and vegetable consumption among young children.
- Leadership of the SCAN (Sheboygan Coalition on Activity and Nutrition). The SCAN health coalition brings community partners together to address obesity, food security, and chronic disease-related health issues identified in the Community Health Improvement Plan.
- Leadership, technical assistance, and coordination of a food resource hub for the Fond du Lac Food Providers Group that helps local agencies direct community members to local and state food resources. This food resource hub creates coordination between local emergency food agencies and individuals impacted by food/nutrition security.
- Partnered with ADVOCAP Head Start to teach a series of nutrition education classes to preschool students in 17 classrooms at 6 different sites. These classes help encourage healthy eating habits starting young by introducing healthy foods and taste testing opportunities.
- Partnership of a COVID-19 vaccination education and awareness campaign for Fond du Lac County residents to receive current information on the vaccine. The goal is to increase vaccination rates and help community members make more informed health decision.