According to the 2020 Sheboygan County health assessment, 60% of survey respondents consumed at least two servings of fruit in an average day, while only 28% of survey respondents consumed at least three servings of vegetables in an average day. The goal is to increase the fruit and vegetable intake of Sheboygan County residents, which can contribute to prevention of overweight/obesity and chronic disease.
The Small Steps Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, sponsored by United HealthCare, is a way to get fresh produce on the plates of underserved community members. United HealthCare provides $2,000 in $5 vouchers to be used at the local farmers market. Vouchers can be distributed in a variety of ways, including at the physician’s office, during community programs, or at the local food pantry.
It has been a few years since this valuable program has been in Sheboygan County. As a part of leading the Sheboygan County Activity and Nutrition Coalition (SCAN), Amanda Miller has initiated new conversations and rebuilt relationships with the local United HealthCare representative. A meeting is scheduled to plan the program for next summer’s farmers market. Amanda also helps administer this program in Fond du Lac County.