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- Development and planning for in-person CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) Update Meeting series for WPDES (WI Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permitted farms, crop and dairy managers, agriculture engineers, crop consultants, agronomists, professional and on-farm nutrient applicators, government agency personnel, and other interested individuals in collaboration with WI DNR (Department of Natural Resources). The goal of this effort is to discuss and teach individuals to protect ground and surface water and dairy farm sustainability through dairy management and feeding efficiency; manure storing and handling; and nutrient management utilizing the latest research and regulatory updates to improve farm business viability and environmental sustainability.
- A dairy forage nutrition and management meeting for dairy owners/operators, managers, employees, and agribusiness professionals where they learned about forage handling and storage management, return on investments of forage production inputs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from dairy cows to increase farm business viability, environmental sustainability, and food safety.
- A presentation for dairy owners/operators, managers, employees, and agribusiness professionals where they learned feeding strategies to increase feed efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the cow to increase farm business viability and environmental sustainability.