Liz Gartman, Regional Crops Educator
- A presentation that introduced the concept of Dairy Heifer Grazing to agriculture professionals engaged in consulting with producers. Through this presentation, attendees learned about the cost savings using dairy heifer grazing versus conventional heifer grazing, the potential for less nutrient loss, water quality improvement and improved health and longevity that can benefit dairy producers profitability and environmental sustainability.
There were 51 attendees of the event, and via evaluation, 26 attendees shared (agree + strongly agree) that the information was applicable and relevant to their work, and 11 indicated they would frequently share the information in their work. 27 attendees agreed/strongly agreed they increased their knowledge related to this topic. - A dairy production newsletter for farmers, managers, employees and agribusiness professionals that provides the reader an introduction to upcoming UW Madison Division of Extension Programming including the Pest Text Alerts, Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook reports, opportunities to optimize forage testing and updates on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in dairy cows. This newsletter provides timely updates on Extension recommendations, events and industry news.
A partnership between the Eastern Wisconsin Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative and Extension results in a newsletter mailed to 300 current dairy producers in Eastern Wisconsin. The newsletter pairs results from the cooperative’s milk testing and allows local Extension educators to share key activities, events and articles that focus on improving management related to crops and dairy cattle. The partnership allows Extension educators to determine what resources are most important to producers at the times the newsletter is published, which in turn provides research based solutions to growers and farmers when it makes sense for their farm. We collaborate with DHIC staff to ensure timely delivery of the content. The newsletter is direct mailed to approximately 300 dairy producers every two months, and the targeted information drives dairy producers to engage with Extension programs and educators.