Beef, Sheep & Swine Projects

Purpose: The purpose of the Sheboygan 4-H General Livestock program is to provide educational opportunities for youth to learn more about their market and breeding livestock projects through various hands-on workshops and seminars.

Livestock Committee

Chairperson Tina Kohlman (Swine)
Vice-ChairpersonAmanda Kleinhans (Sheep)
TreasurerKelly Cowhig (Beef)
Kelly Mohs (Sheep)
Chloe Nicolaus (Swine)
Nicole Polster (Beef)
Olivia Kohlman & Ceana Nicolaus (Youth Swine)
Emma Kirchoff & Audrey Gartman (Youth Sheep)
Ellie Navis & Cora Cowhig (Youth Beef)

Livestock Google Calendar

Marketing Your Livestock Project Guide (State Resource) 

Opportunities in 4-H Livestock programs include:
4-H Livestock Project Resources
Meat Animal Sale Related Resources
County Fair Related Resources

Premise ID

The Wisconsin Premises Registration Act requires anyone who keeps, houses, or commingles livestock to register their premises. Premises that are not currently licensed by the Wisconsin DATCP are required to register according to state law. For more information please visit the Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium

COOL – Country of Origin Labeling

As of March 16, 2009, the United States Department of Agriculture’s rule on “Country of Origin Labeling” (COOL) took effect. This rule provides consumers with the knowledge as to where their food originated. The rule has been in place for fruits and vegetables and has been in effect for meat products since early spring. To comply with the new ruling, exhibitors must first maintain proof-of-purchase (i.e. bill of sale, receipt, etc.) or an affidavit/declaration indicating animals which will later be shipped to market are of US Origin. Country of Origin Affidavit/Declaration: (PDF, 1 page, 11 KB) The Country of Origin Affidavit/Declaration must be completed and maintained by exhibitors for two years. This affidavit should be signed by the breeder/seller and indicates tech animal(s) was born and raised in the United States. It is the EXHIBITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY to complete and maintain this affidavit/declaration for at least two years. This affidavit/declaration is an important record keeping tool in case of a USDA audit with regards to the origin of the animals entering the food chain.

Links of interest:
Support Extension