Dairy Heifer Management

Cows in StallsRaising dairy replacement animals is a challenging job in that heifer raisers are responsible for the milking herd’s future-the next generation of milk cows. The cost of raising dairy calves and replacement heifers is the second highest expenditure on the farm, behind feed costs. It is a major component in making a dairy operation profitable, but yet sometimes is neglected as a profit center for the farm since no direct income is generated by the replacement herd. Programs and educational materials to help improve on-farm profitability through the replacement are available in the following areas:

Programs and Opportunities:

  • Dairy Replacements’ Cost of Production Analysis
  • Heifer Growers’ Discussion Groups
  • Dairy Workers’ Training-Calf Management Skills (offered in English & Spanish)
  • Dairy & Heifer Best Management Practices
  • Heifer Facilities & Ventilation
  • Eastern Wisconsin Dairy Team’s “Raising Quality Dairy Replacements” Seminars (Held annually each February)

Cow in StallMaterials and Resources:

Cost of Raising Heifers Resources & Tools

Facilities, Housing & Ventilation

Herd Health & Management


Other Resources:


Support Extension